Shrewsbury archive

Closed strip pubs and clubs north of the Watford Gap.
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Shrewsbury archive

Post by zante »

Sinners in Shrewsbury

Plans to open Shrewsbury's first pole dancing club have been preduictably attacked by a religious looney.
Reverend David Uffindell said "young and weak adults" would be corrupted if borough council chiefs allowed the sale of R18 DVDs at sex shops and lap dancing at a proposed new town centre club.
The idiotic priest said sex was a "gift from God"and should not be used to make money.
He said he was appalled at a new application by the owners of S X Warehouse, in Harlescott, to sell R-18 films, and plans to open what is described by applicants Gemini Games Ltd as a "gentleman's club" in Castle Gates. The Castle Club would occupy the first and second floors of Central Hall, which is currently the Shropshire Business Centre.
The bigoted priest ranted "is there no end to the degradation of our society? Do we really want the possibility of nude shows and sexually arousing pole dancing in our town? Society may grumble all it wants about our prisons being full, but are we encouraging people to deviate from a reasonable and moral way of living?"
There is, of course, no evidence linking sex shops or strip clubs to crime... unlike, say, religion which inspires much hatred, terrorism and war - not to merntion covering up child abuse by pervert priests.
He continued "where is the end? I feel in Shrewsbury we are going to have prostitutes walking openly in the streets like they do in bigger towns. We are rapidly descending to a country where the minority are cow-towed to by the majority for fear of being seen as racist, or even religious."
Wrong: it's the majority having their tastes dictated by a fanatically religious minority.
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