XX CLOSED HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Closed strip pubs and clubs south of the Watford Gap (but not inside the M25).

Post by nobby »

I did see the programme a few years ago before I had been there. I thought at the time it didnt look very tough at all and thats been confirmed by the 3 or 4 times I have been there. I seem to remember Alistair was interviewed briefly and the dancers on that day were shown upstairs relaxing in the changing room. No strip was shown. I think Wagon and Horses was also featured, but I have never been there so can't say whether its tough or not.
Last edited by nobby on Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by borefiller »

I saw this programme last night and having been to the WHHW, found it amusing, especially to see jolly Alistair on the big screen!!

For the landlord (paul bennett when it was filmed 2004, not sure if he still is) to say his customers are "sad people, donuts, idiots, going nowhere people" is a bit stupid. The only reason I think it was regarged as a tough pub was the fact it has no toilet seats or toilet paper.(as shown in the film but this has changed) I have certainly always found it a very comfortable atmosphere and never felt it threataning.

Girls featured were Maxxx, Leah J and Kiera, as far as I am aware Leah J and Kiera now do adult films.
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Post by zante »

Alistair is the landlord nowadays.
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Post by Moonraker »

I've asked a couple of girls and one of the barmaids if they thought the WHHW at High Wycombe was "tough" and they laughed at the idea.The barmaid has worked there for several years and says she's never had any trouble.

(Incidentally, despite my "rank" and my frequent visits I've never met Natasha - perhaps she only works Saturdays?)
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Post by zante »

Only seen her Saturday's, yes!
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Post by Moonraker »

"Toughest pubs in Britain - inside intimidating ale houses" is being shown (yet again) on Sky 1 tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, from midnight. I'm assuming this is the one that features the WHHW.
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Post by barney600 »

Moonraker wrote:I've asked a couple of girls and one of the barmaids if they thought the WHHW at High Wycombe was "tough" and they laughed at the idea.The barmaid has worked there for several years and says she's never had any trouble.

(Incidentally, despite my "rank" and my frequent visits I've never met Natasha - perhaps she only works Saturdays?)
The idea that the WHHW is "tough" is now laughable. Any indication of any trouble and you would be instantly barred.

Oh, and I'm told that Natasha doesn't work behind the bar anymore.
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Post by zante »

If there's a God, he'll have made her a dancer ;)
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Post by barney600 »

zante wrote:If there's a God, he'll have made her a dancer ;)
She's gone to Uni. So where does that leave you with your thoughts on God?

Post by Moonraker »

At the WHHW this afternoon, only three of the six rostered girls turned up, but they were the three I had hoped would be there. In fact it was a good thing there were just three girls, because it was a quiet afternoon considering it's so close to Christmas, with just a trickle of punters. Interestingly, the only takers for PDs seemed to be nearly all white-collar types, whereas until recently most of the afternoon patrons were blue- or no-collar blokes.

I'm told it was heaving last Friday afternoon, with more than a dozen girls on duty, and 11 are rostered for this coming Friday.

(Incidentally, we do sometimes mutter about rostered girls not showing up, but how often do we consider that dancers must be more exposed to germs than many other workers. Currently we're all being urged to wash our hands regularly and avoid communal towels to reduce the risk of spreading the novovirus, but in many strip clubs the facilities are rudimentary- the towel at TWHSD is obscene at 1pm - and even where they are adequate some men don't bother with them. Let me stress that the facilities at the WHHW are acceptable - soap, hot water and working hand-drier.)
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Post by zante »

More often than not it's not that girls don't turn up in the White Horse, it's that Alistair puts girls onto the website both before he has confirmed them and also to draw in the fans of that particular dancer.
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Post by Moonraker »

Yes, Zante, I know one girl you have in mind. Recently her apparent no-shows seem to be three for every four listings. If what you say is the case, then it's not fair on her and her fans. On a couple of occasions, she's been listed on other websites as due to appear at other venues on the same day.

In all fairness to Alastair, I've usually found his website for the week ahead to be reasonably accurate, and where there's been a no-show her substitute has usually been very acceptable. When I've enquired of other dancers where so-and-so is, the answer often is that she's ill. I know that some girls try to pass on their bookings to others, not always successfully, and one of my favourites left it to the last moment to decide it was too difficult to get to a pub where she'd been booked to appear for some time.

I've never been disappointed yet with any of my visits to the WHHW.

Post by Moonraker »

Having just mentioned this venue to a newcomer to our forum, it might be as well to give a reminder that the White Horse provides dancing only in the afternoons and not on Sundays. One or two of the girls usually present themselves in the pub area at around 1245, with stage dancing starting just after 1300. The dancing continues to about 1630 or 1800, depending on demand. It's usually not very busy early in the week, and it can be that there aren't enough punters (five being the minimum, I think) to allow stage dancing, though PDs continue to be available.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, dancing also takes place upstairs in Bar 95, which is more club-like in atmosphere. Things get going around 2000.

Just thought I should spell this out, in case anyone turns up one evening early in the week and is disappointed, not having checked the details on the venue website (link above)!
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Post by oddjob »

Moonraker wrote:"Toughest pubs in Britain - inside intimidating ale houses" is being shown (yet again) on Sky 1 tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th, from midnight. I'm assuming this is the one that features the WHHW.
I happened to catch the second half of "Toughest pubs in Britian" last night on Sky 3 - the final pub featured was a strip venue - the "Waggon and Horses" though and not WHHW?

Either way it was my first glimpse of a walkabout strip, looked interesting.

(ps Zante feel free to move this if it's gone off topic..)

Post by kittysfan »

I notice a lot of old names have gone from here in the last few weeks.... including the fabulous Kitty! Seems like there's no reason to go now!

Post by Moonraker »

Certainly some familiar names have moved on, but several top girls remain. There have been some fresh faces, and a couple of the new Brazilians seem to have the taciturnity of their compatriots at the Woolpack. Another is well up to the WHHW standard. I've also noted a couple of black girls turn up mid-pm, presumably for an initial chat with Alastair - but not stage auditions whilst I was there.

A popular Brazilian is returning to the UK very soon after some months away and a leading dancer is hoping to start at the WHHW soon.

All my visits this year have been early in the week, with very few punters - because of which the stage dances were very spasmodic.

I've NEVER had a duff visit to the WHHW: 80 per cent of the girls are very acceptable to me, which is a far higher proportion than for any other venue.

And Sara behind the bar is extremely cheerful and friendly, with a big welcome for punters as they arrive.
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Post by barney600 »

Would that be Vanessa by any chance? :)

Post by Moonraker »

I can think of several girls who fit my vague description! There is one acclaimed dancer who is frustratingly off the WHHW rota for all of the first part of this year though I understand that she may be dancing at the Axe. But she is on the High Wycombe rota for as far ahead as mid-April.

There are at least two Vanessas, one of whom recently won favour in this forum from a visitor to the Vic and she may be the one who also dances at TWHSD.

As I've noted before, deuced confusing these girls with the same names. Recently there were Mels and Michelles dancing at the same time at the Bar and TWHSD!
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Post by barney600 »

Ah, but there is only one Vanessa at the WHHW that's been in Brazil for months. That's all I was asking.

Afterall, there may be another Sarah behind the bar somewhere else! Now, that could be confusing.

Post by Moonraker »

Moonraker wrote:... a couple of the new Brazilians seem to have the taciturnity of their compatriots at the Woolpack...
They have proved not so taciturn after all, which is further confirmation that we shouldn't be quick to judge dancers on first acquaintance.

Incidentally, bargirl Sara(h) is a gem. Recently I saw her dealing with the orders of a lunchtime crowd of boisterous youf (from the local college, I'm told, in for a quick drink and one stage dance and then conscientiously back to their studies). Lots of smiles, laughter and jokes, and still time to remember what my usual drink was. What a contrast to certain barstaff elsewhere.
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Post by barney600 »

Yeah, Sarah is a gem and more than a match for youf!

Post by Moonraker »

The White Horse has been decorated inside, and there's now a menu of straightforward meals available through the day. This year there's been a reduction in the proportion of oikery among the afternoon audience and the blokes at my last visit showed rather more appreciation of the stage dances than has often been the case.

Sadly, barmaid Sarah has moved on.

Post by Moonraker »

Dunno if the redecorating is the start of a plan to change the arrangements at the White Horse and have the stripping upstairs all the time:

see here

Upstairs is where Bar 95 (see separate thread) operates many evenings. When I visited it last year, it was very pleasantly appointed, with a large private dance room, compact bar and small stage.

Personally I would miss the natural light coming through the windows of the downstairs bar area and through the curtains of the private dance room. But a move upstairs would eliminate the slight incongruity - as at the Woolpack - of people playing pool and drinking in the area the other side of the bar without being troubled by the jug but still getting long-distance glimpses of the stage act and medium-distance looks at the girls mingling with the enthusiasts.
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Post by Orville »

I hope they don't move upstairs full time although I notice that the article was written in January 2009, so may be out of date.

I like it as a nice, friendly pub with nice, friendly (naked) ladies.

Upstairs is a nightclub and not the sort of place I would want to go to during the day.

The pub has had a reputation in the past for a music pub and I don't see why, in the evenings, it can't have music, as the girls all go upstairs in the evenings anyway.

Don't see why having the girls downstairs during the day is an issue.

I also don't have a problem with part of the pub being just a regular pub. Most of the regulars in that part tend to keep themselves to themselves and I can't recall seeing the girls having much of an issue with it either. I think it makes it nicer being a regular pub with some naked women at one end rather than a pub full of "dirty old men".

Also, I thought Alistair was the manager?

In relation to your other post, now they do food, I wonder whether they cook for the girls before they go to work upstairs now.

Post by Moonraker »

When I arrived the other day at lunch-time, a dancer very popular at several venues was eating something that looked like a full English breakfast, so it does save the girls bringing food down from London. She was a pleasant surprise, as she wasn't on the rota.

The other good news was that the girl-I've been trying-to-avoid no longer works there. I'd mentioned to three dancers at the WHHW whom I know very well that there was "a girl there" (no further clues) who was not very scrupulous with her prices for PDs. One dancer immediately named her, the other two accurately guessed her minority nationality. So no great loss.
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