"The Hottest Lunch & Ladies Show in Town!"
There I was, in the middle of Central Phoenix in the afternoon on my way to an appointment and realized that I had meant to review this club for the longest time. I had just never made the effort, only because it was out of my way and not such a great neighborhood. But, what a coin-ke- dinky, the offices of the mortgage company I was visiting happened to be almost next door to the place, so I figured, what the hell, and stopped in.
The Hi Liter has a word of mouth reputation as being a very busy club, always packed, having the most beautiful dancers and the friendliest atmosphere. Naturally, I take a more cynical approach to this since I'm not used to going to these kind of places on a regular basis (never. Well...maybe once). But I know that I have to do something for that hefty 8 plus figures your editor is paying me to do all this insane stuff, so I made my way into the parking lot.
It was indeed very full. The parking lot holds approximately 100 cars and there was only one parking space left. Although where these hundred people were was beyond me. They certainly weren't in the club. But I digress. Enter the club. It's dark. Why am I not surprised? It's VERY dark. But anyway, there's great music playing (LOUDLY) and I go inside to find the layout of the place pretty much the standard. Big stage that juts out into the middle of the room, two poles in the center and comfy armchairs with little tables that have these little menus (that glow in the dark!) and candles burning softly. Very cafe-like and, as I said, very subdued lighting - which, according to most of the reviews I have read on the site, is a let down for you manly types who like the lighting to be less than romantic. I imagine you prefer a more clinical lighting for optimum viewing ("Nurse~hand me the speculum!"). Sorry, not here. It's dark. So I sat and observed for a few minutes before speaking with a couple of the cocktail waitresses. In my observations of the *regulars*, I noticed a nice camaraderie with the help, and the atmosphere was indeed friendly. I watched the dancers for a bit, and they were all very beautiful. I watched maybe 10 girls come out and do little acts on the stage. All in your 7-9 range and all had hefty operations (if you see what I mean). I was later introduced to the manager, Monty. He was very helpful and gave me lots of information.
Hi Liter is a topless only club (hence said hefty operations - since they can't show anything else), so they serve alcohol and have a full menu of very nice looking food. Table dances are $6.00 (US) and they have a cover in the evening of $4.00. Otherwise, during the day it's free to get in. I hear they have a special on April 22, 1999 where all the dances on that day are going to be free so, if you're in Phoenix, Arizona on that day, well then, we'll know where to find you.

Glow in the dark menus!
I watched two table dances and, even though they ARE table dances, you're not sitting on a stool, you're in a very comfortable armchair that is low to the ground, the girls get very close so you can see their hefty operations on a more intimate basis. Monty tells me they offer no other services (no Lap dances, couch dances, etc...). But based on what I saw there this afternoon, it doesn't seem to matter since the place is very clean, the music is great and the girls are absolutely stunning. The customers that were there seemed to be enjoying themselves. Also, Monty tells me that during the day, they operate with about 20-25 girls at a time and in the evening the number ups to as many as 50 girls at a time. Shows are continuous from 11:00am until 1:00am and there are no breaks for jug passing. If you want to tip a girl, you have to give it to her while she is on stage or during your table dance and, if my assumptions are correct, and the new laws here are still in effect, you have to give the tip to the girl in her hand, not on her body. Yes, I know, tears will be shed upon hearing this, but, the law is the law.
Although I was not completely comfortable going in there by myself, the atmosphere of the place and the people who worked there, including the manager, was such that I didn't mind sitting there and actually enjoyed myself for a few minutes talking with one of the girls. And in my honorary TaBster view, I think my boys will like the Hi Liter club.
4710 N. 12 Street
Phoenix, Arizona
Chris F.