Good to see that Bucks council have turned down the planning application to demolish the White Horse and turn it into flats.
It was the bats wot won it (well, partly).
Proposal: Demolition of existing Public House and construction of apartment block comprising 8 x 2-bed flats...
The reason(s) for refusing application:
1. "The proposed development by reason of its scale and design fails to respect the character of the existing site and harmonise with other nearby developments..."
2. "In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposal fails to demonstrate that the development proposed could be constructed without having a detrimental impact upon bats, which are a protected species. The Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) submitted with the application identifies the site as having moderate potential for bats..."
3. "failure to demonstrate the methods of drainage are adequate to manage the anticipated level of surface water runoff resulting from this development proposal.."
4."insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate how a net gain in biodiversity can be achieved either on or off the site..."