XX CLOSED HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Closed strip pubs and clubs south of the Watford Gap (but not inside the M25).
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Chris4fun »

Just spotted that they’ve just updated the website and there is indeed 8 girls down for today.

Do any of them farmily to you Victor and worth having a private dance with as my bank balance won’t cover having a private dance with them all.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

Better late than never - which applies to the belated updating of the rota and to my reply - I only access emails via my desktop and then usually in the late afternoon.

Pandora and Bella have both worked at the White Horse for five years or more and predate the recorded introductions that a girl activates when it's her turn on the stage. Before that, a former dancer (Sindy?) introduced each act. On my last two visits to the Christmas show I didn't bother with PDs - what was the point in a room that was almost completely dark by 1530? Worse than the Nag's.

This year I stayed at home and cleaned the car, as did a neighbour hers; she was wearing a short skirt that rose higher and higher as she leant into the car to clean the interior - a pleasant sight at this time of year!
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Scallywag »

That shows how long it's been since i last went there - Alistair used to introduce the acts in those days!
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Chris4fun »

Well I went along to the Christopher Show last night got there about 9ish and it was quite busy with I’d say about 25 people including a couple of of ladies watching. I stayed for about 2hours in which time it got quieter and then busier again I was told it was very busy earlier on in the afternoon. Everyone appeared well behaved and the private dance area was busy often with three dances going on at a time. There were indeed 8 dances on some regular ones and some new ones also for anyone’s who likes big natural boobs Bella was there and had them in spades. I had three nice dances from Nicole(who I always have a nice chat with and in very friendly) Alice(who is Romanian and short out of her heels)and Larissa(who is good friends with Nicole).
There was also a little bit of friction between the regular dances and one or two of the new ones as the regulars felt they weren’t declaring all the private dance which they have to pay a % off to the management.

Alistair wasn’t there as he was in hospital but is excepted to be ok. I too remember when he used to induce the dances and back then I thought he was old so I guess he is no spring chicken now.

All in all a nice night.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

Glad you had a good time, Chris. But three dances going on in the private dance room doesn't seem that many compared with five or six years ago. Do the girls still bring the jug around AFTER their stage shows? It was the only place that I know of where this happened. (Scope for mean guys to slip away to the gents or the far end of the pub as a dance ended.) I have happy memories of the very popular Brazilian Camilla and one or two other girls not bothering to put their clothes back on when doing so.

And I always thought that when it came to the girls handing over their £20s to the house there was scope for keeping some money back.

Sorry to hear about Alastair. He smoked a lot, has been married more than twice, had a heart bypass some years ago, and sometimes seem to be stressed out. In my time as a punter there, many girls generally liked him (or at least didn't dislike him) and I preferred him to most other managers/landlords of strip pubs. I guess that his income has decreased in recent years, along with the WHHW getting less busy. I think's he's about 72.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Chris4fun »

It would have been tight with 5/6 girls in the private dance area but when I’ve been there other days there was never more than two and normal just one dancer doing private dances.

Yep girls do still bring the jug round after the dance and don’t always put all of their clothing back on and are often topless while collecting their pounds.

I think most of the regular dancers are fairly honest and one or two off them were moaning that the new ones not being honest. I’m surprised they don’t do it where you buy a voucher at the bar the and then the dances return them to the bar for their money.

The dances do appear to like Alastair and from what they've said he’s fair with them which I guess goes along way. He does have a business partner although he tends to look after the business side of things and Alastair looks after the girls.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

I have a rare empty day tomorrow and don't fancy trekking into London so soon after last Friday's visit, so I've been keeping an eye on the WHHW rota page with the vaguest idea of visiting for the first time in a couple of years. Ominously I've been getting the message "No Events Found for this date" until today when the same two girls are named as appearing today (Thursday), tomorrow and Saturday. Both have worked there for some time, one for at least six years and I know that she has her fans, but I don't feel inclined to journey out for such a modest rota. (It could be of course that other girls may turn up.)

Even more ominously, when I click on "Bar 95" (the name of the rooms on the first floor where night-time stripping has taken place) I get an invitation to "Buy this domain". So I did wonder whether the night-time events had ceased. However, clicking on "Welcome", leads to a Bar 95 page which says "Bar 95 is now open, with dancers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from 7.00pm until 2.00am...There is no admission charge for daytime or Wednesday evening shows, low drink prices and fabulous glittering shows from Monday to Saturday. (There is a small admission charge for Bar 95)... On Wednesday evenings from 8pm we also stage a special guest night - definately not to be missed!"

Which seems contradictory, and I'm unclear as to what the "special guest night" entails (or entailed).
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by john_burgess »

The www.babewatchwycombe.com web site seems to be the only semi-reliable source for who's on. As far as I can tell, the pub has dancers every afternoon except Sunday. I'm not sure when Bar95 opens - definitely Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings but maybe earlier in the week as well???

I was in the The White Horse, Shoreditch High Street yesterday to get a ticket for the Christmas show tomorrow. Alistair appeared after a while but I thought he wasn't looking very well at all. I don't think he's a great one for the web at the best of times so if he's not well the updates etc might well be suffering.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

john_burgess wrote: I was in the The White Horse, Shoreditch High Street yesterday to get a ticket for the Christmas show tomorrow. Alistair appeared after a while but I thought he wasn't looking very well at all.
I see that you've fallen into the trap of rendering the White Horse, High Wycombe name in a way (perhaps using initials) that UTK translates into the sadly-closed White Horse in Shoreditch. In the past I've done the same and so have others, and perhaps with the latter's closure it's time for this "helpful" trick to end as well.

I haven't been to High Wycombe for several years, and my historic threads above record my growing disenchantment with it. I think that your summary of its opening times is correct, with the number of dancers reduced over the past few years - just one or two early in the week, three later on. But just two named for today, though there are ten tomorrow for the traditional Christmas show, including familiar names such as Anjela, Pandora and Natasha.

My posts of two or three years ago recount my last two disappointing visits to the Show: guys lurking where they don't have to put money in the jug and, at first, not enough other customers for stage shows. And a very dark private dance room.

Ali hasn't been well for many years, and he must now be in his seventies. But, as I've said before, one of the very few managers/owners for whom I feel some respect.

Do let us know what you thought of the show, John.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by john_burgess »

Thanks for your comment. I hadn't realised quite how old Alistair is.

I agree with you, The white horse isn't what is used to be. After the private dance area opened the stage dances became rather perfunctory in most cases - though I think that is true of all venues. There used to be far more in the way of costumes and props etc..

However, all being said and done, the Christmas show was pretty good - stage shows still just as usual (but without much in the way of gaps in between) but the private dances were good and there was a very buzzy atmosphere in the room.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

I hope that this isn't further evidence of the downward spiral at the WHHW ...

This week I could be in Henley, just 12 miles and a convenient bus ride from High Wycombe, and so I checked the pub's rota.

Yesterday - Monday - it stated "No Show Today", a form of words employed usually on Christmas Day. Today only Alexa is named, tomorrow it's only "CJ (new dancer)", with Alexa the sole performer in the evening. CJ is back on her own on Thursday, on Friday "No events found for this date" (usually meaning that names will be added later), with Brandy the only performer so far on Saturday.

So no inducement to be out in today's forecast rain, and I hope that "No Show Today" is not the norm for Mondays,
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by TS_Jabroni »

CJ has been a new dancer for ages!
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

CJ is no longer a "new dancer", judging from today's rota - but three other girls are:

Millie (new dancer)
Layla (new dancer)
Rea (new dancer)"

At least there are four dancers billed for this afternoon, but only Millie and Rea are listed to be upstairs at Bar95 later on. Four girls makes a visit almost worth considering, if only for nostalgia's sake, but I'm busy nearly every Saturday morning and I couldn't get to High Wycombe until halfway through the afternoon shift.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

Am wondering if the WHHW is going to host its multi-girl event this Friday, as has been the case before Christmas in previous years? (See above.) No indications yet on its website, which has just CJ there on Wednesday night and again on the afternoon of Monday the 23rd. Guess it's a question of keeping an eye out for updates.

EDIT: looking again at the rota, it says "Wednesday 18th December Guest Night appearing today: CJ Show starts at 8:00pm finishes 4.30/5.00pm approx, will continue longer if audience size justifies".

That's a heck of a long shift for CJ! (Obviously an accidental conflation of the afternoon and evening shifts.)
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

"Christmas Show" rota for this Friday has just been put on the WHHW website:

Sandra (new dancer)
Alexa Rose

Not so many as in previous years, but there could be a late addition or two.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

Ipswich fans shocked as club advise them to visit LAP DANCING club

Brings back memories! But only two or three days ago I remarked in another thread: "in recent years there seems to have a marked decrease in the number of dancers wearing those awful platform shoes and boots ... Some dancers used to wear thigh-length, black plastic-looking boots ..." But they still seem in vogue at the WHHW.

The Sun says "The ... information pack quotes Mr Watts as saying: 'The pub has Exotic dancers and lap dancing, from lunchtime.'"

Lap dancing? I wonder?
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Scallywag »

I'm surprised the girls were happy to have their photos published.

Good to see dancers at the pub on New Years Day!
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

High Wycombe strip club the White Horse could be turned into a house - but manager adamant it's 'not going to happen'

Alistair Watts seems confident: "Lots of pubs are probably not going to reopen after this [pandemic], but we have been busy making plans for new carpets and new furniture for when we reopen."

He himself would need to go on "shielding" - he's in his 70s and has had medical problems in recent years. It could be that in the short term dancers might strip on the stage in front of a small socially-distanced audience, with a few PDs in the adjoining room if and when the two-metre rule is reduced to one, but this would hardly be financially viable.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by saltydog »

If planning permission is given the value of the site goes up and straight away makes it more attractive to buyers.

Alasdair is a lovely old fella and a fantastic example of the Great British eccentric but he is the 'manager.' When it comes down to it he has little say.

Money talks and I doubt the pub as is is highly profitable as some days its empty.

I fear we will shortly see another one bite the dust.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

Another sign of confidence?

New website coming soon
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

Planning application approved

Lots of bumf attached, including a submission by Alastair.
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by The Great Smell Of Brute »

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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

One might infer from

this article

of July 13 that the WHHW is open for drinking, pool etc.

"O'Neills, The Antelope and The White Horse all confirmed that they will be not be showing the game tonight."
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Re: ** HP11 2LR White Horse, High Wycombe

Post by Victor23 »

I'm coming out of my retirement from UTK to link to this article:

"strip club could be demolished and turned into block of flats"

Apart from anything else, a modern block of flats would be a poor exchange for what is quite a pleasant building.
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