A curiosity:
http://www.rightbiz.co.uk/buy_business/ ... shire.html
(This link may not work for much longer as the entry is annotated in red: "expired - awaiting deletion"):
Bracknell Berkshire
Gentelmens/Lap dancing Club For Sale in the Barkshire Area. Been running for 1 year, First Year Turnover £96K, the next 6 months is a rent free period, 3 years remaining on lease. Seating capcity 90, standing 200, also hired out for private functions. Lease to let or rent Gentlemens / Lapdancing Club For Sale is located in Berkshire.
Trading hours 11am to 0200hrs Sunday to Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11am to 0300hrs. Fully furnished with full sounds equipment. Reason for sale, Set club up without wife knowning
I can't place this club at all, though I recall there was one in Bracknell three or four years ago. Given the standard of his English, the vendor does not impress.If the place can accommodate 290 people then a £96k turnover hardly impresses either. And nothing about the licence.
Do any of our M4 corridorists know anything about the place?
XX CLOSED RG12 1EN Angels, Bracknell
Re: Bracknell club for sale???
Used to be on called Angels but I thought that had closed a year or 2 back.