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WV14 7DP The Foxy / Foxy Lady, Bilston

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:31 pm
by Victor23
To open soon, if they can get the staff, including girls:


To be open from 12pm to 4am. Doesn't seem very long hours, and how many people can have such a late night during the working week?

Re: Foxy Lady, Bilston

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:58 am
by Scallywag
Victor23 wrote:To open soon, if they can get the staff, including girls:


To be open from 12pm to 4am. Doesn't seem very long hours, and how many people can have such a late night during the working week?
I think you've got your am and pm mixed up! It's open at midday, so 16 hours a day!

Re: Foxy Lady, Bilston

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:57 pm
by Victor23
There are many threads on the Web debating whether "12am" means midday or midnight and most support your view, but (nearly?) all agree that "12am" and "12pm" are confusing and need to be followed by "midnight" or "midday". Years ago I passed on to work colleagues news of a meeting at midday, and one complained that this wasn't a very precise time! A few people argue that 1200 is neither am or pm.

My own interpretation of the times given in the article was swayed by my doubts over midday being a viable time for a dancing venue to open. Most us would agree that afternoons are not as well patronised as they were five or six years ago.

Re: WV14 7DP The Foxy / Foxy Lady, Bilston

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:02 am
by The Great Smell Of Brute
Foxy Lady Adult Cinema Show & Dance Bar (AKA The Foxy)
Unit 4
148 Oxford Street
WV14 7DP

Telephone: 01902 490 898

Located next to the Million Dollar Banqueting Suite. Probably best to call first!

Re: Foxy Lady, Bilston

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:05 am
by The Great Smell Of Brute
Victor23 wrote:There are many threads on the Web debating whether "12am" means midday or midnight...
It's not a matter for debate: 12:00 am = midnight, 12:00 pm = midday! :P