** M1 4HF Long Legs, Manchester

Strip pubs and clubs in Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire, Cumbria and Lancashire.
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** M1 4HF Long Legs, Manchester

Post by zante »

Basement, 46 George Street, Manchester.
0161 237 3977
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Post by sipol »

Can anyone enlghten me on this place -
e.g. Opening times; admission fee?; Format (jug collection?); private dance details etc etc :?:

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Post by zante »

It now has a website
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Post by sipol »

Many thanks Zante!

looks alright - anyone been in though?
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Post by Tyke »

I went a few years ago but in those days it was topless only and shut at 11. It's quite small , the girls were OK in those days but at that point there were only 2 places in Manchester, now there are several with new ones opening all the time.

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Post by sipol »

Finally got round to visiting Long Legs this week on a trip to Manchester. Was not sure what to expect - half expecting expensive, topless-only distant dances. Here goes: -

The club is five minutes walk from St Peters Square or Piccadilly Gardens tram stops on George Street - a back street running from Oxford Road towards Picadilly and full of Chinese restaurants & shops.

Long Legs is advertised by large pink signs and entry is straight down some stairs past a bouncer and a cloakroom.
I arrived at 3.30pm and entry was three, when I left after 4.30pm the bouncer was stoppong someone and asking for £3 entry.

The club is fairly small & narrow with the bar on the left as you enter and bench seating throughout. There is a small dancefloor & pole, but this was not in use during my visit.

Beer was more expensive than pubs at £3.50 for a lager (Yates' in Manc was £2.50 up the road).

There were around 7 girls on offer - all of a high standard and most of which would not have looked out of place in say Browns.

I was immediately approached for a dance and found out it was £10, but decided to stick to the bar and see what the score was with the dances.

These took place around the club on the benches very much on the lap of the punter. Obviously this meant that other punters got a very close view, and was welcome in the absence of a floor show.

Indeed there seemed to be a few small groups of lads not having dances but just looking on, but with business fairly brisk this did not seem to cause a problem.

I then had a dance firstly with the lovely Gemma, who took a few minutes to have a chat before and after the dance. Plenty of bump and grind ad in part not far off the closeness of say the Sports Bar or even the Axe - although bikini bottoms stayed on for most of the dance. All the girls did reveal all to some extent although this seemed to vary greatly from girl to girl and was never anywhere near as explicit as anything in Shoreditch!

I had further dances with Sarah & Susie - all the girls were very friendly & laid back. Obviously there was a fair bit of hustle as they were only making money through the dances, but all the girls were happy to move on if you said "no thanks".

All in all quite enjoyable - a very good atmosphere but very different to Shoreditch - you really need to just go and have a dance with your favourites, the lack of a floorshow means you couldn't spend all afternoon like at Browns etc.
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Post by sipol »

Finally got round to visiting Long Legs this week on a trip to Manchester. Was not sure what to expect - half expecting expensive, topless-only, very distant dances. Here goes: -

The club is five minutes walk from St Peters Square or Piccadilly Gardens tram stops on George Street - a back street running from Oxford Road towards Picadilly and full of Chinese restaurants & shops.

Long Legs is advertised by large pink signs and entry is straight down some stairs past a bouncer and a cloakroom.
I arrived at 3.30pm and entry was free, when I left after 4.30pm the bouncer was stoppong someone and asking for £3 entry.

The club is fairly small & narrow with the bar on the left as you enter and bench seating throughout. There is a small dancefloor & pole, but this was not in use during my visit.

Beer was more expensive than pubs at £3.50 for a lager (Yates' in Manc was £2.50 up the road).

There were around 7 girls on offer - all of a high standard and most of which would not have looked out of place in say Browns.

I was immediately approached for a dance and found out it was £10, but decided to stick to the bar and see what the score was with the dances.

These took place around the club on the benches very much on the lap of the punter. Obviously this meant that other punters got a very close view, and was welcome in the absence of a floor show.

Indeed there seemed to be a few small groups of lads not having dances but just looking on, but with business fairly brisk this did not seem to cause a problem.

I then had a dance firstly with the lovely Gemma, who took a few minutes to have a chat before and after the dance. Plenty of bump and grind and in part not far off the closeness of say the Sports Bar or even the Axe - although bikini bottoms stayed on for most of the dance. All the girls did reveal all to some extent although this seemed to vary greatly from girl to girl (from opening their bikini bottoms to lowering them round their knees, and in at least one case taking them right off) and was never anywhere near as explicit as anything in Shoreditch!

I had further dances with Sarah & Susie - all the girls were very friendly & laid back. Obviously there was a fair bit of hustle as they were only making money through the dances, but all the girls were happy to move on if you said "no thanks".

All in all quite enjoyable - a very good atmosphere but very different to Shoreditch - you really need to just go and have a dance with your favourites, the lack of a floorshow means you couldn't spend all afternoon like at Browns etc.
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Re: ** M1 4HF Long Legs, Manchester

Post by The Great Smell Of Brute »

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Re: ** M1 4HF Long Legs, Manchester

Post by Victor23 »

Licence renewed

Rather more comments appended to the article than is usual, with very little support for the Women's Equality Party representative. Excellent input from our very own TonyN:

"Some people do want to impose their moral beliefs on other people. If Ms Johnson had credible issues against the club she would have raised them instead she throws generalisations around about them with no actual proof. And this reflects her morals rather than researched facts."
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Re: ** M1 4HF Long Legs, Manchester

Post by TonyN »

I try :D
Can I have some £1 coins please?
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Re: ** M1 4HF Long Legs, Manchester

Post by TerryPrimmer68 »

I've visited Legs several times between 2016 and 2019 each time I was amazed by the excellent VFM and great PDs but the last time I went I could have cried as the set-up had totally changed. Non contact PDs at a distance and that was before covid! Not local so wondering if its changed for the better. So sad to these places go to ruin.
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